Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2007, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.

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Preparation Process of Intermetallic Compound SbSn and Its Desulfurization Performance

GUO Ning,YUN Zhi   

  1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Nanjing University of Technology , Nan jing Jiangsu 210009, P. R. China
  • Received:2006-06-27 Published:2007-03-20 Online:2017-06-28

金属间化合物SbSn 的合成及脱硫性能研究

郭 宁,  云 志**   

  1. 南京工业大学化学化工学院, 江苏南京210009
  • 作者简介:郭宁(1976 - ), 男, 河南镇平县, 在读博士
  • 基金资助:


        The influence of quench speed, twice melting , melting time and adding NaCl on structures and desulfurization performance of intermetallic compound SbSn was studied. The results show that at the condition of 30 V and 400 A, the composition of trigonal system crystal structure increases and its desulfurization performance is also enhanced with the increase of quench speed ;after twice melting , the lustration of melting material is increased , therefore crystalline grain and degree of crystal are decreased and the desulfurization performance becomes worse during rapid cooling . The uniformity of SbSn mate rial is fortified , the desulfurization performance gets better with the increase of melting time. The addition of NaCl could increase the degree of crystal and desulfurization performance during the melting process. Thiophene and ethanethiol were used as model compounds to study the mechanism of desulfurization. The result shows thiophene can be absorbed on the surface of SbSn and the C - S of ethanethiol can be broken in reaction.

Key words: Intermetallic compound,    , Preparation process,    , Structure,    , Desulfurization

摘要:         考察了淬速, 二次熔炼、熔融时间和加盐对SbSn 材料的结构和脱硫性能的影响。结果表明, 在电压30 V, 电流400 A 的条件下, 随着淬速的提高, 三方晶体的成分增加, 脱硫性能也随之增加。二次熔炼后提高了熔体的洁净度, 在快冷的过程中, 结晶的晶核比较少, SbSn 材料的结晶度下降, 脱硫性能明显降低。随着熔融时间的增加, 熔体的均匀程度增加, 所以制备出的SbSn 材料的结晶度增加, 脱硫性能增加。在熔融过程中加入NaCl 可以提高SbSn 材料的结晶度, 同时提高了脱硫性能。以噻吩和乙硫醇为模型化合物初步研究了SbSn 材料的脱硫机理, 结果表明噻吩类化合物脱硫机理以吸附为主, 硫醇类化合物的反应机理以化学反应C — S 键断裂为主。

关键词: 金属间化合物,  制备工艺,  结构,  脱硫

Cite this article

G UO Ning,YUN Zhi . Preparation Process of Intermetallic Compound SbSn and Its Desulfurization Performance[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2007, 20(1): 1-4.

郭 宁,  云 志*. 金属间化合物SbSn 的合成及脱硫性能研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2007, 20(1): 1-4.

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