Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2021, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 63-71.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2021.01.011

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Research Progress of Natural Gas Dehydration with Supersonic Separator

Dai GuohuaSang JunWan Yufei   

  1. Bohai Oilfield Research Institute of CNOOC Ltd. Tianjin,Tianjin 300459,China
  • Received:2019-07-23 Revised:2019-09-03 Published:2021-02-26 Online:2021-04-02



  1. 中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司 渤海石油研究院,天津 300459
  • 作者简介:戴国华(1972-),男,高级工程师,从事海上油气田开发方面研究;。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The research and application of supersonic separator (3S for short) have been extensively investigated and applied overseas, but is not yet adequate in China. Numerous theoretical studies have been conducted, which mainly focus on the swirl flow, the internal flow and the condensation process. However, experimental results, specially on condensation and separation mechanism of high⁃pressure natural gas are rarely reported, as well as industrial and field test. A lot of work has been carried out in structural design, mainly focusing on comparative analysis, and no feasible structural design strategies have been proposed. The basic research on droplet condensation is even rarer. At present, the process is mainly characterized by CNT and Gyamathy model. In pratical conditions, an appropriate model needs to be selected for calculation and analysis according to the characteristics of various modified models. In order to improve the efficiencies of gas condensation and gas⁃liquid separation, the next research should focus on the effect of the main factors, such as the inlet temperature & pressure, supersaturation, the converter installation position, the supersonic nozzle structure, on the condensation process, so as to the experimental researches on the high⁃pressure natural gas supersonic separation. The industrialization of domestic supersonic separators will provide an effective tools to the dehydration, deacidification, de⁃heavy hydrocarbon before pipelining for the limited offshore platform.

Key words: Natural gas, Dehydration, Supersonic separator, Laval nozzle, Condensation

摘要: 超音速分离技术在国外的研究与应用已经成熟,但国内的研究仍处于探索阶段。现已开展了较多的基础性研究和数值模拟研究,其中数值模拟研究主要集中在旋流流动过程、内部流动过程和凝结过程等方面,并取得一定成果,但实验性研究仍然较少,特别是在高压天然气的凝结机理及分离机理方面,未见工业性试验和现场测试试验的报道。在结构设计方面做了大量工作,主要集中在对比性分析和敏感性分析,未提出实质性的结构设计方法和思路。在液滴凝结方面的基础性研究更为少见,目前该过程主要由CNT模型和Gyamathy模型来表征液滴成核、生长过程,实际需根据各修正模型特点选择合适模型用于计算分析。今后的研究需加大入口温压、过饱和度、旋流器安装位置、超音速喷管结构参数等主要因素对凝结过程的影响性研究及高压天然气超音速分离脱液实验性研究,提高气体凝结和气液分离效率,尽早实现国内自主产权的超音速分离器的工业化应用,为空间有限的海上天然气的脱水、脱酸、脱重烃处理及外输提供有效手段。

关键词: 天然气, 脱水, 超音速分离器, 拉法尔喷管, 凝结

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Dai Guohua, Sang Jun, Wan Yufei. Research Progress of Natural Gas Dehydration with Supersonic Separator[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2021, 34(1): 63-71.

戴国华, 桑军, 万宇飞. 天然气超音速分离脱水技术研究进展[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2021, 34(1): 63-71.