Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2008, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 91-94.

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Upper Bound on the Sum of the Q Spectral Radius of a Graph and Its Complement

ZHANG Li-zhuo, SONG Dai-cai*,PEI Fang-fang   

  1. School of Sciences, Liaoning University of Petroleum & Chemical Technology, Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China
  • Received:2008-04-14 Published:2008-12-20 Online:2017-07-25


张丽镯宋岱才*, 裴芳芳   

  1. 辽宁石油化工大学理学院, 辽宁抚顺 113001)
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Let G be a simple graph with n vertices, the new upper bound on the sum of the Q spectral radius of a graph and its complement were given by its m edges, minimal degree of a vertex δ, maximal degree of a vertex Δ and chromatic number k. When graph G has no isolated vertex ,we have 2(n-1)≤ρ(Q(G))+ρ(Q([AKG-]))≤2(Δ-δ+n-1) and ρ(Q(G))+ρQ([AKG-]))≤2n-3+[KF(][JB((]2-[SX(]1[]2[SX)][JB))](n-1)n[KF)],where t=min{k,[AKk-]}. When graph [AKG-] has l isolated vertices ,we have ρ(Q(G))+ρ(Q([AKG-]))≤2n-3+[KF(][JB((]2-[SX(]1[]k[SX)][JB))](n-1)2+l[KF)]. At the same time the upper bound on the sum of the Laplace spectral radius of a graph and its complement was given.

Key words: Graph, Complement graph, Chromatic number, spectral radius, Laplace spectral radius, Upper bound

摘要: 设G为n阶简单图,利用边数m,最小、最大顶点度δ和Δ以及色数k给出了G与其补图[AKG-]的Q谱半径之和的上界,当G不含孤立点时有:2(n-1)≤ρ(Q(G))+ρ(Q([AKG-]))≤2(Δ-δ+n-1)和ρ(Q(G))+ρQ([AKG-]))≤2n-3+[KF(][JB((]2-[SX(]1[]2[SX)][JB))](n-1)n[KF)],其中t=min{k,[AKk-]}。当[AKG-]含l个孤立点时有:ρ(Q(G))+ρ(Q([AKG-]))≤2n-3+[KF(][JB((]2-[SX(]1[]k[SX)][JB))](n-1)2+l[KF)],同时给出了图G与其补图[AKG-]的拉普拉斯谱半径之和的一个上界。

关键词: 图, 补图, 色数, Q谱半径, 拉普拉斯谱半径, 上界

Cite this article

ZHANG Li-zhuo, SONG Dai-cai,PEI Fang-fang. Upper Bound on the Sum of the Q Spectral Radius of a Graph and Its Complement[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2008, 28(4): 91-94.

张丽镯, 宋岱才, 裴芳芳. 图与其补图Q谱半径之和的上界[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2008, 28(4): 91-94.

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