Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 35-37.

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Metnanol Gasoline’s Anti-Separate Property

WU Jian-zhen1WANG Yong-gang2, YAN Feng1*   

  1. 1.School of Petrochemical Engineering,Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China; 2.Department of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry,Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology,Luoyang Henan 471023,P.R.China
  • Received:2011-11-08 Published:2012-06-25 Online:2017-07-06


吴鉴臻王永刚闫 锋1*   

  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院,辽宁抚顺113001;
  • 作者简介:吴鉴臻(1984-),男,四川阆中市,在读硕士

Abstract: The paper studied several different volume fraction methanol gasoline’s low temperature anti-separate property and water anti-separate property and identified three different phase separation inhibitor. By changing the addition amount of phase separation inhibitor,the paper studied the methanol gasoline’s low temperature anti-separate property and water anti-separate property again,and compared the results with the raw methanol gasoline, found its optimum adding amount at the stable and uniform situation. So that it can meet the actual production requirements.The results show that the optimum adding amount is 4%(Volume).

Key words: Methanol gasoline , Low temperature anti-separate property , Water anti-separate property

摘要:         考察了几种甲醇体积分数不同的甲醇汽油的低温抗相分离性能和遇水抗相分离性能,并通过在实验室进行的研究制备了3种不同的相分离抑制剂。通过改变相分离抑制剂的加入量,还考察了相分离抑制剂对甲醇汽油的低温抗相分离性能和遇水抗相分离性能的影响,并将其结果与未加相分离抑制剂的甲醇汽油的数据进行了对比。考察结果得知:所添加的相分离抑制剂的体积分数为4%时,甲醇汽油的相分离性能最好,能够满足实际生产需求。

关键词:  甲醇汽油 ,  低温抗相分离性能 ,  遇水抗相分离性能

Cite this article

WU Jian-zhen,WANG Yong-gang, YAN Feng. Metnanol Gasoline’s Anti-Separate Property[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2012, 32(2): 35-37.

吴鉴臻,王永刚,闫 锋. 甲醇汽油的抗相分离性能研究[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2012, 32(2): 35-37.

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