Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 34-38.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2014.01.010

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Hot Spot Temperature Changing of BASF 0466 Catalyst

CHAI Junjun1,2, CHEN Jingwei1,2, ZHOU Jianhua3   

  1. (1.Petro China Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu Sichuan 611930, China; 2.College of Chemical Engineering sichuan University, Chengdu Sichuan, 610064, China; 3.Petro China Jinzhou Petrochemical Company Limited, Jinzhou Liaoning 121001, China)
  • Received:2013-10-17 Revised:2013-12-02 Published:2014-02-25 Online:2017-07-14



  1. 1.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司,四川成都611930;2.四川大学化工学院,四川成都610064;
  • 作者简介:柴军军(1986-),男,助理工程师,从事炼油生产与技术研究;。

Abstract: The filling, pretreatment of new catalyst of BASF 0466 and the changing of hot spot temperature when the material entered the reactor were investigated. It was found that the activity of catalyst can be optimized by adjusting the air flowed into the reactor and the reactor temperature in pretreatment of the catalyst|while the reaction has begun, the hot spot temperature mainly focused on the catalyst layer of CL4, as the reaction proceeded, the hot spot temperature is gradually transferred to the position of the catalyst layer of CL1. The hot spot temperature from 3 050 mm to move to the position of 650 nm and 550 mm. The hot spot temperature rises from 410.5 ℃ to 431.5 ℃, the hot spot temperature increase of 5.1%.

Key words: Catalyst of BASF 0466, Hot spot, Temperature, Change, Pretreatment

摘要: 通过对BASF04-66型催化剂的填装、预处理以及进料后反应器热点温度位置的变化等进行分析研
从3050mm 移动至650、550mm 处。热点的温度从410.5℃上升至431.5℃,热点温度提高了5.1%。

关键词: BASF0466催化剂 , 热点 , 温度 , 变化 , 预处理

Cite this article

CHAI Junjun, CHEN Jingwei, ZHOU Jianhua. Hot Spot Temperature Changing of BASF 0466 Catalyst[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2014, 34(1): 34-38.

柴军军,陈经纬,周建华. BASF04-66催化剂热点温度变化的研究[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2014, 34(1): 34-38.