Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 7-10.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2019.04.002

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Preliminary Study on Preparation, Modification and Blood Purification of PVDF Microfiltration Membrane

Li Mengyan1Ju Jia1Xie Lei1Li Leilei2Sun Ran1Yang Lei1Wei Wenshi1   

  1. (1.Colloge of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering,Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,China; 2.Department of Gastroenterology,Benxi Central Hospital,Benxi Liaoning 117000,China)
  • Received:2018-08-22 Revised:2019-05-22 Published:2019-08-20 Online:2019-08-28



  1. (1.辽宁石油化工大学 化学化工与环境学部,辽宁 抚顺 113001; 2.辽宁省本溪市中心医院 消化内科,辽宁 本溪 117000)
  • 通讯作者: 鞠佳(1978⁃),女,博士,讲师,从事膜分离方面的研究;E⁃
  • 作者简介:李孟岩(1996-),男,本科生,化学工程与工艺专业,从事膜分离方面的研究;E?
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as a matrix material was prepared for a bilirubin⁃adsorbed membrane. Firstly, PVDF microfiltration membrane was prepared by vapor⁃induced phase inversion method. The effects of polymer concentration, solvent and additive type on membrane properties and structure were investigated. It is found that PVDF microfiltration membrane has excellent performance and morphology with the PVDF concentration in the casting solution of 7%~8% in quality. When blend solvent of acetone and N, N⁃dimethylformamide and the additive of glycerol were selected, pure water flux is higher than others. Polyethyleneimine was further coated on the matrix to prepare a modified PVDF membrane. The results showed that the modified PVDF membrane had certain serum bilirubin removal ability.

Key words: Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), Microfitration, Phase inversion, Bilirubin

摘要: 以聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)为膜基材制备一种胆红素吸附膜。采用蒸汽诱导相转化法制备PVDF微滤膜,考察了PVDF质量分数、溶剂和添加剂种类等条件对膜性能与结构的影响。结果表明,当铸膜液中聚合物质量分数为7%~8%时,PVDF微滤膜的性能和结构较优;当聚合物质量分数固定、丙酮和N, N⁃二甲基甲酰胺为混合溶剂、甘油为添加剂时,PVDF微滤膜的纯水通量最大。进一步涂敷聚乙烯基亚胺制备改性PVDF膜,结果表明改性PVDF膜具有一定的血清胆红素去除能力。

关键词: 聚偏氟乙烯, 微滤, 相转化, 胆红素

Cite this article

Li Mengyan,Ju Jia,Xie Lei,Li Leilei,Sun Ran,Yang Lei,Wei Wenshi. Preliminary Study on Preparation, Modification and Blood Purification of PVDF Microfiltration Membrane[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2019, 39(4): 7-10.

李孟岩,鞠佳,谢磊,李蕾蕾,孙然,杨磊,魏文诗. PVDF微滤膜的制备、改性及其血液净化应用初探[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2019, 39(4): 7-10.