Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 33-42.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2021.03.006

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Research Progress on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cement⁃Based Composites

Cheng Jianqiang1Wang Wenguang2,3Han Jie1   

  1. 1.School of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Petrochemical University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China; 2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Petrochemical University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China; 3.Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Liaoning 110016, China
  • Received:2019-11-11 Revised:2019-12-06 Published:2021-06-30 Online:2021-07-19



  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学 土木工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001; 2.辽宁石油化工大学 机械工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001; 3.中国科学院金属研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110016
  • 通讯作者: 王文广(1973-),男,博士,教授,从事碳/金属复合材料的性能及微观结构研究;。
  • 作者简介:程健强(1993-),男,硕士研究生,从事碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料研究;。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Carbon fibers (CFs) has been a hotspot in composites as a reinforcing phase. The types and dispersion methods of CFs and the methods for evaluating their dispersibility in cement⁃based composites, the preparation process of CFs surface coating modification and its advantages and disadvantages were reviewed. The coating modification treatment could prepare carbon fiber reinforced cement⁃based composite materials (CFRC) with good performance. At the same time, the influential factors of CFRC mechanical properties were systematically discussed and studied, including water⁃cement ratio, including water⁃cement ratio, curing age, molding process, silicon powder content, additives, CFs content and length, etc.It is concluded that the key to further improving the mechanical properties of CFRC is to improve the dispersion and compatibility of CFs in the cement matrix, and provide a reference for the future preparation of high⁃performance CFRC.

Key words: Carbon fiber, Cement?based composite, Coating modification, Dispersibility, Compatibility

摘要: 碳纤维(Carbon Fibers, CFs)作为增强相运用在复合材料中一直是研究热点。综述了CFs的种类、分散方式及其在水泥基复合材料中分散性的评估方法、CFs表面涂层改性的制备工艺及其优缺点。通过改善CFs在水泥基体中的分散性和对CFs表面进行涂层改性处理,可以制备性能良好的碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料(CFRC)。同时,对CFRC力学性能的影响因素进行了系统的探讨及研究,包括水灰质量比、养护龄期、成型工艺、硅粉掺量、外加剂、CFs掺量和长度等。总结出进一步提高CFRC力学性能的关键在于改善CFs在水泥基体中的分散性和相容性,并为今后制备高性能CFRC提供参考。

关键词: 碳纤维, 水泥基复合材料, 涂层改性, 分散性, 相容性

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Cheng Jianqiang, Wang Wenguang, Han Jie. Research Progress on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cement⁃Based Composites[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2021, 41(3): 33-42.

程健强, 王文广, 韩杰. 碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料的力学性能研究进展[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2021, 41(3): 33-42.