辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 46-48.

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡长海, 曾 凌   

  1. 渤海大学化学化工学院, 辽宁锦州121000
  • 收稿日期:2005-12-08 出版日期:2006-02-25 发布日期:2006-02-25
  • 作者简介:胡长海(1944 -), 男, 吉林吉林市, 副教授。

Development of Aloe Lower Sugar Rice Juice

  1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Bohai University ,Jinz hou Liaoning 121000 , P .R .China
  • Received:2005-12-08 Published:2006-02-25 Online:2006-02-25

摘要:      芦荟低糖米露是具有保健功效的复合型米饮料。在制取芦荟汁时, 采用了酶解与浸提的双重工艺。并且通过实验研究得到米露的制取方案为:米水的质量比为 3∶100, 加热沸腾10 min , 然后在90~ 95 ℃温度下浸提20 ~ 30 min, 经过滤, 加入α-淀粉酶进行酶解。酶解的最佳条件:酶比活力为20 U/g , 温度为60 ℃, pH 为6.5, 反应时间为3.5 h 。通过对比实验, 确定了饮料的最佳配方为(质量, g):酶解米露90, 浸提芦荟汁10, 复合稳定剂0 .1 , 甜蜜素0.25 , 蜂蜜2 .5 。米浸提液与芦荟汁酶解后, 使淀粉含量大大降低, 便于过滤。

关键词: 芦荟,  米露,  α-淀粉酶


     The rice distillate of aloe juice with low sugar content is a kind of complex drink that is efficacious to healthcare .The unique dual techniques of enzymolysis and lixiviation were adopted to manufacture aloe juice .By experiments and research , the manufacture plans of rice distillate are as follow s:mass ratio of rice and water is 3∶100 , after 100 min heating and boiling , 20 ~ 30 minlixiviating at 90 ~ 95 ℃, filtrating , and then enzymolysis with α-amylase .The optimal enzymolysis conditions are that the enzyme activity is 20 U/ g , the temperature is 60 ℃, pH is 6 .5, the reaction time is 3 .5 h .According to the contrastive experiments , the best formulation is 90 g rice distillate after enzymolysis, 10 g aloe juice after lixiviation , 0 .1 g composite stabilizer ,0 .25 g sweet element , 2.5 g honey .After enzymolysis , the content of amylum in lixivicating rice liquid and aloe juice reduces greatly , so that it is easy to filtrate .

Key words:  Aloe ,  Rice juice ,  α-Amylase



胡长海, 曾 凌. 芦荟低糖米露饮料的研制[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2006, 26(2): 46-48.

HU Chang -hai,ZENG Ling. Development of Aloe Lower Sugar Rice Juice[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2006, 26(2): 46-48.


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