辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 6-10.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2017.04.002

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


张志芳李 剑刘莹莹杨丽娜   

  1. 辽宁石油化工大学 化学化工与环境学部,辽宁 抚顺 113001
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-08 修回日期:2017-03-16 出版日期:2017-08-25 发布日期:2017-08-29
  • 通讯作者: 李剑(1974-),男,硕士,副教授,从事清洁燃料方面的研究;E-mail:jlqdsd@163.com。
  • 作者简介:张志芳(1992-),女,硕士研究生,从事清洁燃料方面的研究;E-mail:1484247422@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    :辽宁省科学技术厅项目(2013020097);辽宁省教育厅项目(LJQ2015062、L2015296);抚顺市科技计划项目 (FSKJHT201376)。

Research of Adsorption Desulfurization by Using Metal Modified Mesoporous Carbon

Zhang ZhifangLi JianLiu YingyingYang Lina   

  1. College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering,Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,China
  • Received:2016-10-08 Revised:2017-03-16 Published:2017-08-25 Online:2017-08-29

摘要: 以介孔炭(MC)为载体,采用浸渍法制备4种不同金属改性的介孔炭Ag+/MC、Zn2+/MC、Cu2+/MC和Fe3+/MC,考察负载量、金属类别等因素对脱硫效果的影响。结果表明,介孔炭表面负载适当的Ag+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Fe3+可以提高其对二苯并噻吩(DBT)的吸附能力,对不同金属改性介孔炭最佳吸附效果进行比较,得出吸附DBT能力大小顺序是:Ag+/MC>Zn2+/MC>Cu2+/MC>Fe3+/MC。其中以Ag+负载量为10%处理介孔炭吸附效果最佳。同比未处理介孔炭的饱和硫容量增加了1.11 mg/g,透过硫容量也同比增加了1.93 mg/g。

关键词: 二苯并噻吩, 改性介孔炭, 吸附脱硫

Abstract:     Mesoporous carbon was prepared by loading four different metal ions Ag+/MC, Zn2+/MC, Cu2+/MC, and Fe3+/MC by impregnation method using mesoporous carbon (MC) as the carrier.The influence of the loading quality and the species of the metal ions on the adsorption were investigated.The results show that the adsorption capacity of two thiophene (DBT) can be improved by loading Ag+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and Fe3+ on the surface of mesoporous carbon.The optimum adsorption efficiency of mesoporous carbon with different metals is compared. The order of adsorption capacity of DBT is Ag+/MC>Zn2+/MC>Cu2+/MC>Fe3+/MC. Among them, the adsorption efficiency of loading 10% Ag+ on the mesoporous carbon is best. Compared with the untreated mesoporous carbon sulfur saturation capacity increases 1.11 mg/g, through the sulfur capacity also rises 1.93 mg/g.


张志芳, 李 剑, 刘莹莹, 杨丽娜. 金属改性介孔炭吸附脱硫性能研究[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2017, 37(4): 6-10.

Zhang Zhifang, Li Jian, Liu Yingying, Yang Lina. Research of Adsorption Desulfurization by Using Metal Modified Mesoporous Carbon[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2017, 37(4): 6-10.


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