辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.

• 石油化工 •    下一篇


黄严华, 郭文淼, 金 珊   

  1. 辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院, 辽宁抚顺113001
  • 收稿日期:2004-05-08 出版日期:2005-03-20 发布日期:2017-04-14
  • 作者简介:黄严华(1971 -), 男, 江苏徐州市, 在读硕士。
  • 基金资助:

Investigation of Backf lushing Used in Recovering Molecular Sieve Particles by Ceramic Microfiltrat ion Membrane

  1. School of Petrochemical Technology , Liaoning University of Petroleum & Chemical Technology ,Fushun Liaoning 113001 , P .R .China
  • Received:2004-05-08 Published:2005-03-20 Online:2017-04-14

摘要:         用陶瓷微滤膜处理微米级无机颗粒悬浮液过程中, 最大的问题是膜极易受到污染。许多实验证明,反冲洗技术是控制膜污染的一种稳定、有效、可重复的方法。在对陶瓷微滤膜回收分子筛颗粒过程中运用反冲洗技术控制膜污染进行研究中, 考察了反冲压力、反冲时间、反冲周期对反冲效果的影响。认为影响膜恢复通量的决定因素是反冲压力, 而反冲时间、反冲周期对膜恢复通量影响不大。从设备的耐压、能耗、投资等方面综合考虑, 确定了反冲压力为0 .4 MPa , 反冲时间为3 s;从工程实际运用出发, 将膜系统的有效透水率作为考察对象, 在膜的有效透水率最大值时膜系统的最佳反冲周期为10 min 。

关键词: 陶瓷微滤膜,  , 反冲洗,  , 有效透水率,  , 最佳反冲洗周期


        When the ceramic membrane is used to trea t micro -sized inorganic particle suspensions in the microfiltration process, the bigg est problem is that the membrane could be fouled easily .The technique of backflushing is a stable , valid and reusable method to control the membrane fouling in the microfiltration which is demonstrated by a lot of experiments.The investitation was made for the use of backflushing to control membrane fouling in recovering molecular sieve particles by ceramic microfiltration membrane .The influences of backflushing pressure, backflushing time , backflushing interval on the backflushing were studied .The most important factor affecting the recov erflux is backflushing pressure , backflushing time and backflushing interval have slight influence o n reco ver flux .Considering synthetically the influence of pressure proof , energy consume and investment of the equipments , the satisfied backflushing opera tio n parameters are determined:backflushingpressure is 0.4 MPa, backflushing time is 3 second.Based on engineering situation , the effective rate of permeate flux was taken as investigation object of the membrane system .The optimum backflushing interval is determined, which is 10 minutes , w hen the value of the rate of permea te flux arrives a t the maximum .

Key words: Ceramic microfiltration membrane,  , Backflushing ,  , Effective rate of permeate flux ,  , ptimum backflushing interval


黄严华, 郭文淼, 金 珊. 陶瓷微滤膜回收分子筛过程中的反冲洗技术[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2005, 25(1): 1-4.

HUANG Yan -hua,GUO Wen -miao,JIN Shan. Investigation of Backf lushing Used in Recovering Molecular Sieve Particles by Ceramic Microfiltrat ion Membrane[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2005, 25(1): 1-4.


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