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Feasibility Study of CO 2 Flooding in Honghe Tight Oil Reservoir
Zhou Sibin
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Honghe oilfield is a typical ultra⁃low porosity and tight oil reservoir, and it is difficult to use conventional water injection development method economically and effectively. By using indoor physical simulation experiments, the feasibility of CO 2 flooding method in Honghe oilfield was explored from the aspects of compatibility of CO 2 with crude oil and reservoirs, formations injection capacity and reservoir injection limits. The results show that CO 2 fluids injection in the reservoirs of Honghe oilfield does not block and the compatibility of CO 2 with reservoir crude oil is good. Under the same permeability, the CO 2 flooding injection index is 8 times of the water injection index, and the CO 2 injection is a relatively stable process. The breakthrough time of CO 2 injection is relatively longer than N 2 injection. At the lower permeability stage, there is no rapid breakthrough; combined with non⁃linear percolation and constant⁃velocity mercury injection experiment technology, we find pressure gradient of CO 2 injection is obviously increased when the permeability is lower than 0.08 mD. It is determined that 0.08 mD is the lower limit of reservoir permeability for CO 2 injection. The comprehensive experimental results show that the development of CO 2 injection in the Honghe tight reservoir is technically feasible.
2019, 32 (1): 41-46. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006?396X.2019.01.008