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Experimental Simulation and Fracture Characteristics Analysis of Rock under Uniaxial Compression Based on Discrete Element Method
Li Wei,Meng Fanhai,Ling Xin,Li Siqi,Chen Zihe
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The uniaxial compression test of deep rock in three Zhaohe area of Daqing is carried out by using the 20 ton single axis test machine. Based on laboratory experimental mechanics, rock physical parameters and contact parameters can be measured by uniaxial compression. Simulated rock samples with similar mechanical properties as laboratory experiments can be obtained by calibrating virtual parameters of discrete element software. Uniaxial compression experiments of rock samples were carried out by EDEM simulation, and stress⁃strain curves were obtained. Based on the stress⁃strain curves, the staged failure process of rock under uniaxial stress was obtained. The staged failure morphology, micro⁃fracture characteristics of force chain and the relationship between the number of bond bonds and time at different time were studied. The results show that brittle rock has no large deformation during uniaxial compression, the mode of force chain fracture is direct fracture, and no great deformation occurs. The cause of this damage may be the result of the occurrence and development of cracks in rocks.
2019, 32 (4): 33-38. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2019.04.006