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Evaluation System of Water Flooded Grade Combined with Distribution of Water Saturation Field
Di Jingdong
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The water saturation distribution field can truly reflect the water flooding in the oil well, but the accuracy of water saturation field depends greatly on the application of a single index to evaluate the water flooding level. In this paper, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is proposed, which can effectively identify the water flooded level of well layer, including the parameter system, weight system and index classification criteria. Taking the actual data of each layer of 408 wells in the Xinbei development area as an example, the water flooded classification system is used to judge the water flooded level in each layer. The results show that the water flooded level of the one well network is heavy and the water flooded level of the two and three wells is low, which provides a reliable basis for the remaining oil and water plugging treatment in the next step.
2019, 32 (3): 51-57. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2019.03.009