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uring Analysis and Properties Research of Transparent,  Abrasion-Resistant, Anti-Fogging Organosilicone Coatings
ZHANG Ying, YAO Tong-jie, CUI Zhan-chen,YANG Bai
Abstract293)      PDF (442KB)(284)      
             Curing reaction process of anti-fogging and abrasion-resistant organosilicone coatings was studied by the method of differential scanning calorlmetry (DSC). Meanwhile absorption peak variations of the functional groups were characterized by in situ tracing of FTIR in the curing reaction process. The dehydration rate of the associated hydroxy groups in the organosilicone colloid is very fast at the initial time, while the dehydration degree is higher at higher curing temperatures, especially at 100~130 ℃, and the curing temperature of organosilicone coating was found at 140 ℃. At last, the optimum curing reaction conditions were determined:curing temperature of 120 ℃ and curing time of 1 h. Organosilicone coatings were coated on PC, PET film and sticky PET film. The properties of anti-fogging, abrasion-resistant, transparent, adhesive and anti-cracked were good, and the film is uniform. The pencil hardness of film is 3H-4H. The contact angle is 10° or so.
2008, 21 (4): 1-5.