Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2024, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 9-15.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2024.02.002

• Petrochemical Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study on Shut⁃In or Adjustment of Injection Production Wells under Different Injection Production Conditions

Nan CHEN()   

  1. Pengbo Operating Company of CNOOC (China) Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin 300459,China
  • Received:2023-10-17 Revised:2023-12-24 Published:2024-04-25 Online:2024-04-24



  1. 中海石油(中国)有限公司蓬勃作业公司,天津 300459
  • 作者简介:陈楠(1982⁃),女,工程师,从事油田动态分析方面的研究;E⁃
  • 基金资助:
    “十三五”国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发”子课题“蓬莱油田群注采条件下压力评价与安全控制”(2016ZX05058?002?003);中海石油(中国)有限公司综合科研“渤海油田强化水驱及增产挖潜技术”子课题“‘双高’油田剩余油挖潜钻完井关键技术”(CNOOC?KJ135 ZDXM36 TJ01TJ)


This article conducts research on the injection production well patterns under different injection production conditions through two methods: physical simulation and numerical simulation. On the core scale, a reservoir physical simulation model was prepared based on similarity criteria. It was found that the higher the permeability of the physical model was, the lower the overall pressure value was and the smaller the average pressure drop after shutdown. As the viscosity of crude oil increases, the overall pressure of the model increases, and the reduction in pressure during adjustment becomes more pronounced. As the decrease in flow rate increases, the decrease in pressure regulation significantly increases. According to the numerical simulation results, due to the obstruction of the fault, there is no connectivity on both sides, resulting in different energy replenishment on both sides. As the mining progresses, the pressure difference decreases from 0.35 MPa in the initial stage to around 0.15 MPa.When both sides of the fault of the adjustment well are one injection and two extractions, the pressure difference between the two sides of the fault exists with the extension of the development time, but converges again in the late production period.While both sides of the fault of the adjustment well are one injection and two extractions and one injection and four extractions, the difference between the two sides of the fault pressure system increases with the extension of the development time. The research of this paper is of great significance to drilling of adjustment wells in the "Double High" oilfield.

Key words: Different injection and production, Physical simulation, Data collection, Numerical simulation, Adjustment well


通过物理模拟和数值模拟两种方法,对不同条件下的注采井关调实验进行了研究;在岩心尺度上,根据相似准则建立了油藏物理模型。结果表明,物理模型的渗透率越高,模型压力越低,关调后平均压力降幅越小;原油黏度越大,模型压力越高,关调后平均压力降幅越明显;随着流量降幅增加,压力调控降幅明显增大。数值模拟结果表明,由于断层的阻隔,断层两侧没有形成连通,造成两侧能量补充不同,随着开采的进行,压力差由初期的0.35 MPa降低到0.15 MPa左右;当调整井断层两侧均为一注两采时,随着开发时间的延长,断层两侧压力存在差异,但生产后期又趋于一致;当调整井断层两侧分别为一注两采和一注四采时,随着开发时间的延长,断层两侧压力系统差异增大。该研究对“双高”油田调整井的钻井具有重要的借鉴意义。

关键词: 不同注采, 物理模拟, 数据采集, 数值模拟, 调整井

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Cite this article

Nan CHEN. Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study on Shut⁃In or Adjustment of Injection Production Wells under Different Injection Production Conditions[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2024, 37(2): 9-15.

陈楠. 不同条件下的注采井关调实验及数值模拟研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2024, 37(2): 9-15.