Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2007, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 52-55.

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Suspension Bed Hydrocracking of Atmospheric Residue From Dagang Oil Field

ZHANG Lei , MU Bao-quanDENG Wen-an, QUE Guo-he   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,University of Petroleum, Dongying Shandong 257061,P.R.China
  • Received:2006-09-03 Published:2007-03-20 Online:2017-06-28


张 磊, 沐宝泉, 邓文安, 阙国和   

  1. 中国石油大学重质油加工国家重点实验室,山东东营257061
  • 作者简介:张磊(1974-),男,内蒙古呼盟,在读博士


Suspension bed hydrocracking technology and water soluble catalyst were used for upgrading of atmospheric residue from Dagang oil field. The relations among metal composition of the catalyst, reaction conditions, coke forming and conversion were systematically investigated. After optimization, the yields of AGO and VGO are 21.2% and 47.7% respectively from processing atmospheric residue under the condition of 430 ℃, 1.0 h-1 space velocity, 7 MPa and catalyst addition amount with 300 μg/g in once through operation, toluene insolubles yield level of 1.4%, a total conversion of AR which has a boiling point lower than 524 ℃ can reach above 80%.The constitutes of catalyst and reaction temperature are the main factors which affect the conversion of materials and coke formation, the conversion of materials and coke formation increase with the extend of reaction time, the conversion has little change and the trend of coke formation decreases with the increase of reaction pressure. The recycling can improve the conversion of residue but the degree is too small.

Key words: Hydrocracking, Suspension bed, Residue

摘要: 采用悬浮床加氢技术和水溶性分散催化剂对大港常压渣油进行了轻质化和改质研究。对催化剂金属组成、催化剂应用条件和生焦率及转化率的关系进行了系统考察。结果表明,在催化剂加入量300μg/g、反应温度430℃、空速1.0h-1和反应压力7MPa条件下单程通过反应处理大港常压渣油得到轻柴油和减压馏分油的收率分别为21.2%及47.7%。甲苯不溶物收率低于1.4%,渣油(<524℃馏分)的转化率可达到80%以上。催化剂组成和反应温度对原料转化和反应过程的生焦有较明显的影响。反应时间增加转化率和生焦倾向都增加,反应压力升高转化率变化不大,生焦倾向减少。尾油循环能进一步提高常压渣油的转化能力,但提高程度有限。

关键词: 加氢裂化

Cite this article

ZHANG Lei,MU Bao-quan, DENG Wen-an, QUE Guo-he. Suspension Bed Hydrocracking of Atmospheric Residue From Dagang Oil Field[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2007, 20(1): 52-55.

张 磊, 沐宝泉, 邓文安, 阙国和. 大港常压渣油悬浮床加氢裂化反应[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2007, 20(1): 52-55.

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