Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2007, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 39-41.

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A Novel Synthetic Method of 4-Chloro-1,2-Bimethyl-Benzene by High Selective Chlorination Reaction

QIAN Jian-hua, ZHANG Qing-chun, LIU Lin, XING Jin-juan, GONG Shu-hua   

  1.   Provincial Key Laboratory for Applied Chemistry, Bohai UniversityJinzhou Liaoning 121000,P.R.China
  • Received:2006-10-09 Published:2007-03-20 Online:2017-06-28

4-氯-1, 2-二甲基苯的高选择氯代合成新方法

钱建华张庆春刘 琳邢锦娟龚树华   

    (渤海大学应用化学重点实验室, 辽宁锦州1 2 1 0 0 0
  • 作者简介:钱建华( 1 9 6 4-) , 男, 浙江绍兴市, 教授, 博士。
  • 基金资助:
    辽宁省优秀人才支持计划项目( R C-0 5-0 9) 。


The selective chlorination reaction of the aromatic ring among the aromatic compounds is very important in the economy and environmental protection aspects. A novel chlorination reaction system HCl-H2O 2-CH3COOH was applied to react with o-xylene. Compared to the traditional Lewis acid catalysts which comprised sulfur and zeolite catalytic chlorination system, it took on much superiority such as high-selectivity, high-yield, simple operation, savings and environmental protection etc. The reaction conditions were controlled, the molar ratios of hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid to o-xylene were 5.0,4.0 respectively, the reaction was processing under 70 until the feeding was finished and then the reaction was 2 h under 90 . The conversion ratio of the raw material is over 99%, the yield is 96.9% and the selectivity is over 99% under this condition.

Key words:  

摘要: 芳香族化合物的芳环选择性氯代, 在经济和环保上都是一个重要的课题。采用一种新型的氯代体
系— — —HC l -H2O 2-CH3COOH体系, 对邻二甲苯进行氯代。相比于传统的路易斯酸-含硫催化剂体系和沸石催
化氯化体系, 有选择性高、 产率高、 操作简单、 经济环保等优点。反应温度为7 0℃, H2O2 与邻二甲苯的物质的量比
为5. 0, HC l与邻二甲苯的物质的量比为4. 0, 反应时间为2h, 反应过程中温度始终控制在9 0℃以内, 在此条件下原
料转化率可达到9 9%以上, 产品收率为9 6. 9%, 选择性为9 9%以上。

关键词: 路易斯酸, 选择性, 对位氯化

Cite this article

QIAN Jian-hua, ZHANG Qing-chun, LIU Lin, XING Jin-juan, GONG Shu-hua.  

A Novel Synthetic Method of 4-Chloro-1,2-Bimethyl-Benzene by High Selective Chlorination Reaction

[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2007, 20(1): 39-41.

钱建华, 张庆春, 刘 琳, 邢锦娟, 龚树华. 4-氯-1, 2-二甲基苯的高选择氯代合成新方法[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2007, 20(1): 39-41.

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