Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2015, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 29-33.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2015.06.006

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Influence of Surface Modification on Surface Potential  and Emulsion Stability of NanoSilicon Dioxide


  1. (School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao Shandong 266580, China)
  • Received:2015-06-26 Revised:2015-09-11 Published:2015-12-25 Online:2015-12-07

表面改性对N a n o - S i O2 表面电位及乳状液稳定性的影响

周志斌, 王杰祥   

  1. ( 中国石油大学( 华东) 石油工程学院,山东青岛2 6 6 5 8 0)
  • 作者简介:周志斌( 1 9 8 7 - ) , 男, 博士研究生, 从事采油工程理论与技术、 提高采收率与油田化学等方面的研究; E - m a i l : z h o u z h i b i n_0 0 1@1 6 3. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    国家8 6 3计划课题( 2 0 0 9 AA 0 6 3 4 0 2) ; 中石化油气开发重要先导项目( K F - 2 0 1 0-1 8) 。

Abstract: Nanosilicon dioxide was organic modified with silane coupling agent KH550. The influence of modification conditions on surface ζpotential of nanosilicon dioxide was characterized by Zetasizer 3000. The modified nanosilicon dioxide was respectively compounded with petroleum sulfonate. The ability of the composite system for reducing the oil water interfacial tension was measured by interfacial tensiometer TX500. Turbiscan Lab was applied to analyze the stability of oilwater emulsion. The results showed that petroleum sulfonate system could reduce the oil water interfacial tension to about 2.30×10-2mN/m, and modified nanosilicon dioxide and petroleum sulfonate composite system could reduce that to about 5.42×10-3 mN/m, when the concentration of surfactant was 0.5% and the modified nanosilicon dioxide surface zeta potential was -50.1 mV. The oilwater interfacial tension change and mechanism of emulsion stability were analyzed through the changes of surface zeta potential of modified nanosilicon dioxide. 

Key words: Nanosilicon dioxide,     , Modification,    , ζ Potential,    ,  Combination flooding system,    , Emulsion stability

摘要: 使用硅烷偶联剂 KH - 5 5 0对纳米二氧化硅( N a n o - S i O2) 进行表面有机改性。使用Z e t a s i z e r3 0 0 0电位 仪, 系统分析 KH - 5 5 0的用量、 改性时间以及改性温度等因素对 N a n o - S i O2 表面ζ电位的影响, 得到不同改性条件对 N a n o - S i O2 表面ζ电位的作用规律, 从而建立改性 N a n o - S i O2 表面ζ电位与有机改性条件的关系。将改性前后的 N a n o - S i O2 与石油磺酸盐 - P S复配, 得到改性二氧化硅/表面活性剂( KH 5 5 0 - g - N a n o - S i O2 - P S) 复合体系。采用界面 张力仪( TX - 5 0 0 c ) , 系统研究该复合体系降低油/水界面张力能力, 并利用T u r b i s c a nL a b型乳状液稳定性分析仪, 系 统研究油/水乳状液的稳定性。结果表明, 当石油磺酸盐表面活性剂质量分数为0. 5%时, 该体系油/水界面张力降 低至2. 3 0×1 0-2 mN /m, 然而当KH 5 5 0质量分数为5%时, KH 5 5 0 - g - N a n o - S i O2 - P S体系能使油/水界面张力降低至 5. 4 2×1 0-3 mN /m, 达到超低界面张力, 且乳化液稳定性最大, 此时 KH 5 5 0 - g - N a n o - S i O2 - P S体系表面ζ 电位为 -5 0. 1mV, 通过表面ζ电位的变化分析了油水界面张力变化及乳状液稳定机理。

关键词: 纳米二氧化硅,  , 有机改性,  , ζ电位, 复合驱油体系,  , 提高采收率

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Zhou Zhibin, Wang Jiexiang. Influence of Surface Modification on Surface Potential  and Emulsion Stability of NanoSilicon Dioxide [J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2015, 28(6): 29-33.

周志斌, 王杰祥. 表面改性对N a n o - S i O2 表面电位及乳状液稳定性的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2015, 28(6): 29-33.