Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2010, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 68-72.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2010.04.016

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Theoretical State Equation of CO2 Foam


  1. China University of Petroleum Foam Fluid Research Centre, Qingdao Shandong 266555,P.R.China
  • Received:2010-06-01 Revised:2010-09-11 Published:2010-12-25 Online:2010-12-25

CO2 泡沫状态方程的理论模型研究


  1. (中国石油大学泡沫流体研究中心,山东青岛266555)
  • 作者简介:王冠华(1984 -), 男, 天津市, 在读博士
  • 基金资助:
    国家油气科技重大专项(2008ZX05009 -004 -02)


Gaining the theoretical state equation of CO2 foam got by theoretical derivating with considering the solution of CO2 in water, which has modified the theoretical state equation of  the foam with insoluble gas. The calculating results show that the results of theoretical state equation of CO2 foam are in line with objective laws, the equation is able to simulate the real state of CO2 foam. Comparing with the data of experiments show that the theoretical state equation of CO2 foam is accurate to a certain degree, and it can satisfy the requirements of theoretical analysis and engineer application.

Key words:

摘要: 通过理论推导, 考虑CO2 在水中的溶解性, 修正了非溶解性气体泡沫理论状态方程, 得到CO2 泡沫的理论状态方程。计算结果表明, CO2 泡沫理论状态方程的计算结果符合客观规律, 能够较准确模拟实际CO2 泡沫状态。通过对比实验数据结果表明, 该方程具有一定的精度, 满足理论分析和工程应用需要。

关键词: 溶解性气体泡沫 , CO2 泡沫理论状态方程 , 溶解性

Cite this article

WANG Guan-hua, LI Zhao-min, LI Bin-fei, LI Song-yan. Theoretical State Equation of CO2 Foam[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2010, 23(4): 68-72.

王冠华,李兆敏,李宾飞,李松岩. CO2 泡沫状态方程的理论模型研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2010, 23(4): 68-72.