Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 65-68.

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Effect of Length -to-Diameter Ratio of Mixing Elements on Flow Field in Kenics Static Mixer


  1. Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology, Shenyang Liaoning 110142,P.R. China
  • Received:2008-06-12 Revised:2008-10-23 Published:2009-03-25 Online:2009-03-25


龚 斌, 包忠平, 黄 娜, 吴剑华   

  1. 沈阳化工学院,辽宁沈阳110142
  • 作者简介:龚斌(1973 -), 男, 湖北监利县, 副教授, 博士
  • 基金资助:
    国家“ 十五” 科技攻关项目(2004BA319B1);辽宁省高校创新团队项目(2008T157)

Abstract: The velocity distribution of the tube in the kenics static mixer was simulated by using the CFD software.And flow field of partial type static mixer was measured by using LDV (Laser Doppler Velocity). The discussions were given to the
effect of length -to-diameter ratio of mixing elements on the velocity distribution and turbulent property in kenics static mixer.The results show that the trend of the velocity of different direction and turbulent kinetic energy along axis is changeless with the variety of the length -to-diameter ratio of mixing elements .But the value of amplitude is influenced.When the length-to-diameter ratio of mixing elements is little,the value of amplitude of velocity of different direction and the slope is bigger.The effect of the radial velocity is obvious and that of axial velocity is minor.With the length-to-diameter ratio of mixing elements diminution,the turbulence degree and turbulent kinetic energy enhanced and the increasing of the velocity is greater than the variation of velocity.

Key words: Static mixer , Numerical simulation , Velocity , Turbulent kinetic energy

摘要: 以SK 型静态混合器为对象,运用FLUENT 软件对混合器内湍流流场进行模拟计算分析,并利用激 光多普勒测速仪对其中部分型号混合器内的流场进行测量,研究混合元件长径比对混合器内速度变化特性和湍动 性能影响。结果表明,元件长径比的变化并不改变流体各方向时均速度及湍动能沿轴线的变化趋势及幅值分布规 律,但对幅值大小有影响;元件长径比越小,各方向时均速度沿轴线变化的幅度越大,斜率越高,这一作用在径向速 度上表现最为明显,在轴向速度上表现最弱;随元件长径比减小,流体的湍动程度加大,湍动能赠高,且增加速度较流速变化更为显著。

关键词: 静态混合器 , 数值模拟 , 速度 , 湍动能

Cite this article

GONG Bin, BAO Zhong-ping, HUANG Na, WU Jian-hua. Effect of Length -to-Diameter Ratio of Mixing Elements on Flow Field in Kenics Static Mixer[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(1): 65-68.

龚 斌, 包忠平, 黄 娜, 吴剑华. 元件长径比对SK型静态混合器湍流流场的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(1): 65-68.

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