Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4): 62-65.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006396X.2013.04.013

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The Effect of FluoroSurfactants on Wettability of Solid Surface and Enhancing Oil Recovery


  1. (College of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Shandong 266100, China)
  • Received:2013-06-07 Published:2013-08-25 Online:2013-08-25



  1. (中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,山东青岛266100)

Abstract: The wetting properties of quartz surface modified by adsorption films of fluorosurfactants were investigated using the sessile drop analysis. The influences of temperature and different electrolytes were expounded and laboratory simulation of displacement testing was carried out. The results show that zwitterionic fluorosurfactant FO1 will effectively alter the wettability of quartz surface. FO1 can both modify the quartz surface from hydrophilic surface to neutral one in distilled water and formation water. Meanwhile, FO1 shows better heat resistance and salt tolerance. The result of laboratory simulation of displacement experiment show that the core surface is controlled in slightly waterwetting by zwitterionic fluorosurfactan solutions, which is beneficial to the removing of the water film from core surface and reducing the percolation resistance of water flooding, and results in decrease of water injection pressure and enhancement of the oil recovery.

Key words: Fluorosurfactant,    , Contact angle,    ,  Quartz surface,   ,  Oil displacement efficiency

摘要: 利用座滴法研究了含氟表面活性剂在石英表面形成的吸附膜的润湿性质,考察了温度及不同类型电解质对其接触角的影响趋势,并开展了室内模拟驱油实验。研究发现,两性含氟表面活性剂可以有效地改变石英表面的润湿性,在蒸馏水及模拟地层水的条件下都可以使亲水的石英表面变为中性。同时,两性含氟表面活性剂具有较好的抗盐性及耐温性。室内模拟驱油实验显示,两性含氟表面活性剂将岩心的润湿性控制在中性弱亲水状态,促进孔道水膜剥离,减小水驱渗流阻力,从而降低水驱压力和提高原油采收率。

关键词: 含氟表面活性剂 , 接触角 , 石英表面 , 驱油效率

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DAI Yanchen. The Effect of FluoroSurfactants on Wettability of Solid Surface and Enhancing Oil Recovery[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2013, 26(4): 62-65.

代彦臣. 含氟表面活性剂对固体表面润湿性的影响及应用[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2013, 26(4): 62-65.