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Green Tea Differentiation Using Multistatistical Analysis  Based on Content of Mineral Elements
LI Lihua, ZHANG Jinsheng, WEI Linji
Abstract490)      PDF (1264KB)(377)      
The contents of eleven mineral elements(Mg,Al,Ca,Mn,Fe,Cu、Zn,K,Na,Co and Pb) in twentythree green tea samples from different areas were analyzed by microwave plasma torch atomic emission spectrometry (MPTAES). Then principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied to differentiate the geographical origins of these tea. The result indicated that This method can discriminate the geographical origins of these tea from AnHui、ZheJiang、SiChuan and JiangXi, the classification performance was clearly, the content of the mineral elements in teas were good chemical descriptors for differentiating their geographical origins.
2013, 33 (3): 12-15.