Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2011.01.001

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Effects of Light Oil on Rheology Behavior of Produced Mixture

GU Lin-jie1,2, HUANG Qi-yu1,MA Gui-xia1, GAO Yan1   

    1.Department of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,
    P.R.China;2.Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300451,P.R.China
  • Received:2010-07-16 Published:2011-03-25 Online:2017-07-05


顾琳婕1,2,黄启玉1,马桂霞1,高 岩1   

  1. 1.中国石油大学(北京)油气储运工程系,北京102249;2.海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300451
  • 作者简介:顾琳婕(1984-),女,天津市,硕士。

Abstract: In water-cut conventional heavy oil production process, oil and water exist synchronously in well hole and the viscosity of oil/water mixture cannot be tested accurately by conventional coaxial cylinder rotational viscometer. To solve this problem, the agitator is used to build the viscosity calculated mode. The effects of light oil proportion on viscosity of produced mixture have been studied through simulated experiment of well bore temperature field. The oil-water mixture will show the trends of formation of W/O emulsion when augmenting light oil proportion in high water cut well and its viscosity will emerge peak value. The viscosity reducing rate will reach over 99% or more when augmenting light oil mass of water-free heavy oil well, lower temperature will lead to better performance of viscosity decrease.

Key words: Heavy oil recovery  ,  Blending light oil  ,  Viscosity ,  , Rheology behavior  ,  W/O emulsion

摘要: 利用搅拌实验装置建立了油水混合液粘度测量计算式,初步解决了含水稠油井开采中普通同轴旋转
出液的流变性。结果表明,大量增加含水井的稀油注入质量,产出液将呈现形成W/O 乳状液的趋势,其粘度变化存

关键词: 稠油开采   ,   ,  掺稀 ,  , 粘度 , 流变性 , W/O 乳状液

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GU Lin-jie, HUANG Qi-yu,MA Gui-xia, GAO Yan. Effects of Light Oil on Rheology Behavior of Produced Mixture[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2011, 31(1): 1-4.

顾琳婕,黄启玉,马桂霞,高 岩. 掺稀质量对油井产出液降粘效果的影响[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2011, 31(1): 1-4.