Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 91-96.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.04.025

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Evaluation on Innovation Capability of Every Provinces in Our Country Based on Principal Component Analysis

LI Qing-dong, NIU Jing   

  1. School of Economics and Management,Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China
  • Received:2010-06-07 Published:2010-12-20 Online:2017-07-17


李庆东牛 晶   

  1. 辽宁石油化工大学经济管理学院,辽宁抚顺 113001

Abstract: The main carriers of national innovation capacity are the provinces which gather the technological, economic, and cultural, and the strength of provincial innovation capacity indicates the strength of the national innovation capability. So the key to the improvement of the national innovation capacity is to enhance the innovation capacity of each province. Using the statistical software SPSS Statistics, the statistics with principal component analysis method was analyzed, and also the innovation capability for our countrys on 31 provinces and municipalities was analyzed and sorted. According to evaluate results, the policy recommendations related to provide better ideas for economic development of each province was put forwarded.

Key words: Innovation capability, Principal component analysis, Comprehensive evaluation

摘要: 国家创新能力的主要载体是科技、经济、文化集聚的各省,各省创新能力的强弱预示着国家创新能力的强弱,提升国家创新能力的关键是大力提升各省的创新能力。利用统计学软件SPSS V17.0对统计数据进行主成分分析,并对我国31个省市的创新能力进行分析和排序,根据评价结果提出了相关的政策建议,为各省经济的发展提供更好的思路。

关键词: 创新能力, 主成分分析, 综合评价

Cite this article

LI Qing-dong, NIU Jing. Evaluation on Innovation Capability of Every Provinces in Our Country Based on Principal Component Analysis[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2010, 30(4): 91-96.

李庆东, 牛 晶. 基于主成分分析的我国各省创新能力评价[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2010, 30(4): 91-96.