辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 4-7.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.02.002

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 辽宁石油化工大学化学与材料科学学院,辽宁抚顺113001
  • 收稿日期:2009-09-05 出版日期:2010-06-25 发布日期:2017-07-05
  • 作者简介:金文英(1983-),女,辽宁抚顺市,在读硕士。

Analysis of Fouling Resistance of the Membrane and Cleaning Technique


JIN Wen-ying,ZHAO YuJIN Shan*

  1. School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001, P.R.China
  • Received:2009-09-05 Published:2010-06-25 Online:2017-07-05

摘要: 对生物反应器———膜过滤复合过程处理模拟腈纶废水进行了研究,探索了膜微滤过程中的污染机

关键词: 陶瓷膜 , 腈纶污水 ,  , 阻力分析 ,  , 膜清洗


It was studied simulated acrylic fiber wastewater treatment used membrane bioreactor. In Lab research, the fouling mechanisms of the membrane in microfihration were studied. Every kind of resistances in the simulated acrylic fiber wastewater treatment was analyzed. The results show that the fouling is mainly from concentration polarization and cake layer under the conditions of the lower operating pressure. However, the fouling mainly from cake layer under the conditions of the higher operating pressure. The resistances from the block and itself is small, thus, they are the minor factors for the membrane fouling. The method of membrane cleaning were proposed, that is, membrane flux is up to better level after 1% H2O2 solution washing for 30 min or 0.1 mol/ L NaOH solution washing for 60 min.

Key words: Ceramic membrane  ,  Acrylic fiber wastewater  ,  , Fouling analysis ,  , Membrane cleaning


金文英,赵宇,金珊. 膜过滤复合过程污染阻力分析及清洗[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2010, 30(2): 4-7.

JIN Wen-ying,ZHAO Yu,JIN Shan. Analysis of Fouling Resistance of the Membrane and Cleaning Technique[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2010, 30(2): 4-7.


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