辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 40-43.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2015.04.009

• 石油工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙常龙,王 岳,邵慧龙,安建宁,赵亚东,杨奇睿   

    ( 辽宁石油化工大学石油天然气工程学院,辽宁抚顺1 1 3 0 0 1)
  • 出版日期:2015-08-25 发布日期:2015-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 王岳( 1 9 6 2 - ) , 男, 硕士, 教授, 从事油气储运工程及相关技术方面的研究; E - m a i l : w a n g y u e f s @1 2 6. c o m
  • 作者简介:孙常龙( 1 9 8 8 - ) , 男, 硕士研究生, 从事油页岩原位开采技术的研究; E - m a i l : 2 7 2 2 1 3 0 9 8@q q. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目( 7 1 3 7 3 0 0 3) 。

Numerical Simulation of the Development of Oil  Shale in Situ Electrical Temperature Field

Sun ChanglongWang YueShao HuilongAn JianningZhao YadongYang Qirui   

  1. (School of Petrochemical Engineering,Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,China)
  • Published:2015-08-25 Online:2015-08-14

摘要:  针对原位电法加热油页岩层的问题, 运用F LUENT模拟仿真软件建立油页岩层的物理模型, 并对油页岩的温度场分布进行了数值分析。分析结果表明, 加热效率随着时间逐渐升高, 当加热井与产油井交换加热时,加热效率显著提高。当加热时间小于3a时, 油页岩层温度均匀地增加, 但是没有达到油页岩集中热裂解所需的温
度; 加热时间大于3a时, 油页岩层温度升高到3 5 0~5 0 0℃, 达到了油页岩集中热裂解所需的温度。油页岩热裂解后其导热系数、 孔隙度和渗透性都会随着油页岩温度的升高而增加。由此可见, 对油页岩温度场进行分析与控制,有助于提高油页岩的加热效率和产量。

关键词: 油页岩, 电加热, 热解, 模拟, 等温线

Abstract: According to the technology of situ electrical heating on oil shale, a physical model was established by FLUENT. Numerical analysis of temperature field distribution of oil shale was carried out. In this model, the healing efficiency was increased by time, which was obviously increased when the heating well and oil well exchange heating. When the heating time was less than 3 a, the temperature of oil shale layer was increased steadily. But it did not reach the temperature that oil shale pyrolysis required. When the heating time was greater than 3 a, the temperature of oil shale layer was reached to 350~500 ℃. And it reached the temperature that oil shale pyrolysis required. After pyrolysis, the thermal conductivity, porosity and permeability of oil shale were increased while the temperature was elevated. Therefore, the analysis and control of temperature field of oil shale was helpful to improve the heating efficiency and production of oil shale.

Key words: Oil shale, Electric heating, Pyrolysis, Simulation, Isotherm


孙常龙,王 岳,邵慧龙,安建宁,赵亚东,杨奇睿. 原位电法开发油页岩的温度场数值分析[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2015, 35(4): 40-43.

Sun Changlong, Wang Yue, Shao Huilong, An Jianning, Zhao Yadong, Yang Qirui. Numerical Simulation of the Development of Oil  Shale in Situ Electrical Temperature Field[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2015, 35(4): 40-43.


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