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Study on Stress Corrosion of Super 13Cr Stainless Steel in Oil Field Simulation Fluid
Xiaogang DONG, Xuehong HE, Shenglong QIAO, Shidong LIU, Shudong YAN, Zepeng AN
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In order to extend the life cycle of super 13Cr stainless steel tubing in ultra-deep wells and reduce the stress corrosion caused by complex drilling and completion fluids and formation output fluids during the production process, a stress corrosion generation mechanism analysis has been carried out and a countermeasure strategy has been put forward.Based on the corrosion inhibition mechanism of polymerized film-forming corrosion inhibitor, a corrosion inhibitor has been developed. The stress corrosion of super 13Cr stainless steel has been evaluated in the acid fluids and the return fluids with/without the corrosion inhibitor in the simulated and standard conditions. The results show that the acid solution with corrosion inhibitor met the corrosion inhibition requirements. The macroscopic corrosion rate of super 13Cr stainless steel in the return fluids was larger. There was stress corrosion in the acid solution and the return fluids, and the stress corrosion of the return fluids was more serious.Under the experimental temperature of 140 ℃ and pressure of 10 MPa, the stress corrosion crack width of super 13Cr stainless steel in the return fluids after one week was 3~5 μm,test 72 h after the addition of corrosion inhibitor with a volume fraction of 1%, super 13Cr stainless steel test piece did not produce stress corrosion, which indicated that the corrosion inhibitor could restrain the stress corrosion cracking of super 13Cr stainless steel in the high temperature environment. The result of study is of great significance for the safe construction and safe production of ultra-deep well drilling and completion.

2024, 37 (3): 42-48. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2024.03.006