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The Production of Side Chain Dodecylphenol by Triisobutene
SHANG Yu-wei,LI Shao-ran,GUO Wen-li,et al
Abstract1006)      PDF (265KB)(521)      
Using cation exchange resins Amberlyst 15 as catalyst, triisobutene and phenol as raw materials, synthesized branched-chain dodecylphenol. The effects of temperature, time, the amount of catalyst and mole ratio of phenol and olefin on the alkylation were researched. The impacts conditions were optimized by orthogonal experiment.The results show that alkylation of time is 8 h; mole ratio of phenol and olefin is 6; mass fraction of catalyst is 20% ; reaction temperature is 45 ℃, the maximum dodecylphenol yield (47.1%) could be obtained so that the utilization of triisobutene could reach 90.2%, the yield of branched-chain dodecylphenol could up to 50%.
2009, 22 (4): 22-25. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2009.04.006
Gas-Liquid Phase Equilibrium of Methyl Chloride-n-Hexane Binary System Calculated by SRK State Equation
SHANG Yu-wei, ZHANG Yan, GUO Wen-li, LI Shu-xin
Abstract508)      PDF (1448KB)(422)      
Gas-liquid phase equilibrium data of methyl chloride-n-hexane binary system was measured by phase equilibrium apparatus in which liquid circulates. Experimental data was regressed and Binary parameter of methyl chloride and n-hexane kij was calculated by SRK state equation,which is 0.05. It was found that liquid phase constitute of methyl chloride in n-hexane decreases with the increase of temperature,but increases with the increase of pressure.The average standard deviation of CH 3Cl gas constitute was 1.076 4% and the average standard deviation of pressure was 0.985 4%, which explain SRK state equation is accurate in regressing gas-liquid phase equilibrium data.Basing on it, gas-liquid phase equilibrium data of methyl chloride-n-hexane binary system in all concentration range were calculated. p-x,y phase graph at 25,30,40,50 ℃ was obtained.
2008, 21 (2): 55-58.
Measurement and Regression on the Solubility of Methyl Chloride in n-Hexane
ZHANG Yan, SHANG Yu-wei, LI Shu-xin, GUO Wen-li
Abstract345)      PDF (1118KB)(252)      
Determine the solubility of methyl chloride in n-hexane and regress experimental data by Peng-Robinson equation of state(EOS).Phase equilibrium equipment with magnetic stirring apparatus was developed and used in mensurating the solubility of methyl chloride in n-hexane at depression. Its high precision was proved by reliability test. The solubilities at 25,30,35,40 ℃ were measured and the averages of Henry constants are 884,959,1 067,1 172 kPa. It is found that the solubility of methyl chloride in n-hexane are decreases with the temperature increased and increases with the pressure increased. The binary parameter calculated by Peng-Robinson EOS is 0.053 4.The calculated and experimental values of equilibrium pressure are compared, the average relative deviation is 0.985%.Peng-Robinson EOS is accurate in regressing and can be used in more researches.
2007, 20 (4): 21-24.