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An Overview of Carbon Dioxide Catalyzed by Titanium Dioxide Catalyst
Jiaman WANG, Jing XIONG, Jinge SHI, Yuechang WEI, Kailing HUO
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The continuous increase in carbon emissions and the escalating severity of environmental issues, it has become a global focus of attention to explore feasible solutions. Converting CO2 into useful fuels or chemicals through photocatalysis and electrocatalysis has garnered significant interest. TiO2 is highly favored for its stable chemical properties, high catalytic activity, low cost, non?toxicity, and environmental friendliness. This review provides an overview of the reaction mechanisms involved in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction. It emphasizes the key applications and advantages of TiO2 in these processes, investigates the influence of different surface modification technologies on the catalytic performance of TiO2, explores how different morphologies of TiO2 affect the catalytic activity and selectivity of CO2 reduction, and discusses strategies for enhancing the catalytic performance of TiO2?based. The overview not only contributes to the existing body of knowledge through additional experimental and theoretical research on the mechanism of titanium dioxide but also provides a scientific basis for the achievement of sustainable carbon conversion processes.

2024, 37 (4): 1-11. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2024.04.001