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Production Decline Analysis of Vertical Well with Multi⁃Layer Network Fracturing in Tight Oil Reservoir
Li Dai, Hongjun Yin, Hongfei Yuan, Fansong Meng
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For improving reservoir permeability and increasing oil well production, fracture network fracturing is often chosen for tight oil reservoirs with longitudinal direction multi?layer development. A transient flow model for multi?layer fracture network fracturing in vertical wells is established. After fracturing, each layer is divided into artificial fracture area, stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) area and unstimulated reservoir volume area. The Blasingame production decline curves are drawn and analyzed. The curve is divided into 7 flow stages. When the total fracture length is fixed, the fluid seepage of the half?length fracture firstly reaches the unstimulated reservoir volume area. The fluid seepage resistance is large, and the Blasingame curve is in lower region. When the total stimulated reservoir volume is fixed during the simulation, the larger the difference of each layer exist in the stimulated reservoir volume of the reconstruction, the lower the Blasingame curve stay. The established model is used to interpret the measured production data and the relevant formation parameters, such as the fracture half?length of each layer and the permeability of the stimulated reservoir volume area, are obtained. This model has directive significance for the production analysis of vertical wells with multi?layer fracture network fracturing.

2021, 34 (5): 50-55. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2021.05.008