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Numerical Simulation of Slug Flow in Bend
Yang Fan, Zhou Xiao
Abstract432)      PDF (4483KB)(318)      
The center angle of 90° as a simulation model of the elbow,under the pressure of 0.15 MPa, the gas mass flow rate of 0.912 6 g/s condition, it selects four different liquid flow:0.27, 0.40, 0.53, 0.80 kg/s, and each condition is simulated using the FLUENT software. By numerical simulation results, it analyzes the fluid flow characteristics at the elbow at each of the conditions, and get the basic law and characteristics of elbow slug flow under different liquid flow.
2014, 34 (5): 23-27. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2014.05.007
Weight Training Algorithm of BP Neural Network Based on Iterative Learning
ZHOU Xiaoyong, ZHAI Chunyan, LI Shuchen, SU Chengli
Abstract526)      PDF (1396KB)(331)      
A weight training algorithm of neural network based on iterative learning was proposed for the shortcoming of traditional BP algorithm, such as slow convergence and easily trapped into local minimal. The algorithm combined the principle of iterative learning with neural network, and it made use of the current and the previous training error to correct the neural network weights. It improved the speed of neural network training. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the algorithm.
2013, 33 (4): 83-86.
Catalytic Synthesis of pMethoxy Acetophenone with Modification Catalyst HMS by Phosphotungstic Acid
ZHOU Xiao, ZHANG Yazhou,WNAG Wei, LIU Xiangdong, CHEN Ping
Abstract507)      PDF (1577KB)(221)      
The modification solid catalyst HMS by phosphotungstic acid was prepared by insitu synthesis from DDA, TEOS, and phosphotungstic acid, and applied in pMethoxy acetophenone production with the FriedelCrafts acylation reaction of phenyl methyl ether and Acetic anhydride.The factors including reaction temperature, reaction time, catalyst amount, reactants molar ratio phenyl methyl ether to Acetic anhydride on the FriedelCrafts acylation reaction were investigated. The experimental effects show that solid acid catalyst HMS has high catalytic activity.The acylation reaction conversion can reach 83.1% and the selectivity of pMethoxy acetophenone production is 97.3% under the following optimal conditions: reaction temperature of 100 ℃, reaction time of 4 h, amount catalyst of 0.15 g, molar ratio of n( anisole)∶n(acetic anhydride) =1∶1.5.
2013, 33 (2): 1-5.