Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Processing of SuperAlloy Serrated Chip Organization Evolution  and Formation Mechanism of Adiabatic Shear Band Material
Deng Pengfei, Zhao Jie, Qi Min
Abstract357)      PDF (1914KB)(461)      
In order to study the macromorphology of the chip under different milling conditions, high speed milling of single factor experiment was designed. The milling parameters were obtained by single factor experiment on the influence of milling force, and the chip macro morphology from the change of milling speed was analyzed. Milling for chip after milling was inlayed, polished and corroded and obtained the metallographic microstructure pictures, and the chip morphology parameters were measured by using Digimizer software. The influence of milling speed was researched on the sawtooth degree and the sawtooth pitch. Through the microstructure pictures ,the chip substrate and the organization change of adiabatic shear band material under different milling parameters were analyzed, and obtained the formation mechanism of serrated chip.
2014, 34 (6): 52-56. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2014.06.011
Development of the Coding System of the MotorManufactory Parts for DJ-1CAPP[
ZHAO Jie,NIU Hai-shan, GAO Jing-jing
Abstract570)      PDF (499KB)(277)      
According to the particularity and structural characteristics of coal mine products, a 13 classified codification system was developed. A method of part input based on feature surface description was set up, and part automatic coding was implemented in the DJ-1 CAPP system, which provides supports to the standardization and automation of process plan.
2010, 30 (4): 30-33. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.04.009
Phase Transitions of Ising Model in Nearest Neighbor Interaction With Fe 4N Structure
XU Xing-guang, ZHAO Jie
Abstract392)      PDF (290KB)(372)      
The Ising model with Fe 4N structure was studied within the mean-field theory. The theoretic expressions of magnetization and free energy in the nearest neighbor interaction system were deduced. The magnetization curves and phase diagrams were given at a fixed value of through numerical calculation, and the phase transition characteristics were obtained. It was found that the second-order phase transitions were general phenomena, and the first order-order, the first order-disorder phase transitions and reentrant phenomena only exist in a certain range of crystal field. In the phase diagram the curves of reentrant phenomena, the first order-order and the first order-disorder phase transitions intersect at one point. It was found that the phase transition characteristics in the phase diagram at low temperature are completely consistent with the characteristics in the ground-state phase diagram.
2010, 30 (2): 78-80. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.02.022
Magnetic Properties of Mixed Spin Ising Model in Nearest Neighbor Interaction With Fe4N Structure
XU Xing-guang, ZHAO Jie
Abstract376)      PDF (186KB)(365)      
When the crystal field exists, the mixed spin Ising model in nearest neighbor interaction with Fe4N structure was studied within the mean field theory. The theoretic expressions of magnetization and free energy in the nearest neighbor interaction system were deduced. The influences of the nearest interactions and the crystal field on the magnetic properties were mainly explored. The ground-state phase diagram and magnetization curves in finite temperature were obtained. Abundant phase transition characters were observed in the system: reentrantant phenomena, and second-order phase transitions. It is found that second-order phase transitions are general phenomena, and second-order phase transitions must exist in the system when DA/|J1| and DB/|J1| get the adequate large values. On the boundary lines of D1 to O1and D2 to O1、O2 reentrantant phenomena may occur.
2009, 29 (3): 81-84.
Thermodynamic Properties of High Spin Transverse BC Model
ZHAO Jie, XU Xing-guang,WEI Guo-zhu
Abstract401)      PDF (564KB)(293)      
Using the mean-field theory, numerical calculation expressions for the internal energy and specific heat were obtained, within the BC model considering the transverse high spin S=2 ferromagnetic system. The thermodynamic properties were investigated mainly nearby the phase transition points of the system, especially nearby the first-order phase transition points. The longitudinal crystal field dependence of the thermodynamic properties in the system was explored. It is found in the system that there is latent heat of phase transition only in very small crystal field range and the corresponding specific heat decrease suddenly, namely the first-order phase transition appears when the transverse field remains the same value. Then with the increase of crystal field, there is no hidden heat of phase transition in the system, the internal energy changes continuously and the corresponding specific heat suddenly decreases, namely the second-order phase transition appears. When the first order-order phase transition appears specific heat increases suddenly and when the second-order phase transition appears specific heat decreases suddenly. With the decrease of crystal field the internal energy increases and the specific heat decreases within the second-order phase transition range. The internal energy and the specific heat vary complexly within the first-order phase transition range.
2009, 29 (1): 83-86.
The Magnetic Properties of the Spin -2 Ising Model Under the Transverse Field and Crystal Field
ZHAO Jie,XU Xing -g uang
Abstract231)      PDF (187KB)(214)      
The mean-field theory was adopted to calculate the high spin-2 transverse Ising model .Theoretical expressions for magnetic moment and free energy were deduced at finite temperature .Magnetization curves of the system at the limited temperature were obtained by the use of numerical calculation .The study emphases on examining the influence of crystal field D and transverse field Ψon magnetization curves of spin systems and free energy .Characteristics of four phase transitions were observed in the magnetization curves :first order -order phase transition, first order -disorder phase transition , second order -disorder phase transition and reentrant phenomenon.The results show that reentrant phenomenon appears only when transverse field is not equal to zero ;first - order phase transition appears in the very narrow range of crystal field and transverse field ;the scope of first order -order phase transition is narrower ;second order - disorder phase transition occurs in the wide range of crystal field and transverse field.In general the temperature of the first - order phase transition is lower than that of the second - order phase transition.Crystal field is a factor to accelerate phase transitions , and transverse field is a factor to limit phase transitions .
2007, 27 (4): 31-34.