Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Synthesis of ETBE Over Mesoporous Super Acidic Catalyst
LI Jian, YANG Li-na, YU Ming-ling
Abstract427)      PDF (256KB)(207)      
SO2-4/ZrO2-SBA-15 catalyst was directly synthesized and characterized with XRD, BET and NH3-TPD. The results showed that this catalyst presents the typical mesoporous structure of SBA-15 and super acidity. This catalyst was used in the synthesis of ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) with ethanol and tert-butyl alcohol as raw materials on the fixed bed reactor. Its catalytic activity turns out superior to some other kinds of microporous zeolites, such as ZSM-5, USY and mordenite.
2009, 29 (3): 34-36.