Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Determination of Flavonoids From Codonopsis Pilosula With Spectrophotometer
WANG Qing-ming, ZHANG Jin-sheng, LI Li-hua, XUE Li-min
Abstract435)      PDF (195KB)(321)      
Flavonoids were extracted from codonopsis pilosula with microwave-assisted method, and its content was determined by spectrophotograpy. Two methods with NaNO2-Al(NO3)3 or AlCl3 as the chromogenic agent were performed and the precision, stability, reproducibility and recovery ratio of the two methods were studied. The results show that the AlCl3 colorimetric determination of flavonoids in codonopsis pilosula was simple, convenient, accurate and reliable as compared with the NaNO2-Al(NO3)3 colorimetric determination method.
2010, 30 (4): 4-07. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.04.002
Determination of Flavonoids From Codonopsis Pilosula by Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Spectrophotometer
WANG Qing-ming, ZHANG Jin-sheng, LI Li-hua, XUE Li-min
Abstract527)      PDF (209KB)(245)      
Flavonoids were extracted from Codonopsis pilosula by microwave-assisted extraction and its contents were determined by spectrophotometer. The extraction rate of flavonoids were investigated by single factor experiment included alcohol volume fraction, ratio of material to liquid, extraction temperature, and extraction time. The best conditions for procedure were as follows: extracting time is 15 min, extracting temperature is 85 ℃, the volume fraction of ethanol is 70%,  and material to liquid ratio is 1∶30. Under the optimal conditions, the amount of flavonoids in codonopsis pilosula was 2.87%, RSD=0.878%(n=5), and their recovery is between 99%~102%.
2010, 30 (2): 8-10. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.02.003