Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Study on Selective Deprotection Process of Boc-Phenylalanine Tert-Butyl Ester
Wenjun TANG, Zhenbo LÜ, Rui WANG
Abstract1151)   HTML3)    PDF (712KB)(159)      

Protected amino acid compounds are often widely used as intermediates of drug molecules and functional material intermediates. The high efficiency of Boc-protected amino acid esters provides an important prerequisite for their subsequent conversion in the entire process. Boc-tert-butyl phenylalanine was selected as the raw material, and the process of selectively removing the Boc protecting group while retaining the protecting group of tert-butyl ester to generate tert-butyl phenylalanine hydrochloride was studied. Under room temperature or low temperature conditions, the yield of about 82% can be achieved by deprotection under acidic conditions, and the reaction conditions are simple and mild, and the cost of process equipment is low, which realizes simple operation, economical benefits and environmental protection.

2024, 44 (3): 17-22. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1672-6952.2024.03.003
Effect of Soaking Time on Properties of Molybdate Conversion Film of B10 Cu⁃Ni Alloy
Nianchu WU, Yue LI, Rui WANG
Abstract516)   HTML8)    PDF (3164KB)(114)      

Copper nickel alloys have excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, therefore it is widely used in marine engineering. However, due to its complex service environment, copper nickel alloys are prone to corrosion and leakage, resulting in irreversible losses. A corrosion?resistant conversion film was prepared on the surface of copper nickel alloy to improve its corrosion resistance performance; Electrochemical impedance, Tafel polarization curve, scanning electron microscopy, and energy spectrum analysis were performed, and the surface covered corrosion products of the conversion film were observed by X?ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that when the B10 copper nickel alloy sample was immersed in a solution containing molybdate for 120 minutes, the solution transfer resistance (Rct) and membrane resistance (Rp) reached their peak values, and the corrosion inhibition rate was as high as 92.5%; the conversion film contains copper and nickel oxides as well as hydroxides, while molybdenum exists in the form of +4 and +6 valence oxides.

2024, 44 (2): 55-62. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1672-6952.2024.02.009
Facile Fabrication of Fe 3O 4⁃Based β⁃Cyclodextrin Polymers and Its Adsorption Performances
Yushi Wei, Rui Wang, Zhuang Lin, Heng Jiang, Mingren Huo, Xinyue Chen, Xiaoyan Liang, Chongyang Zhang
Abstract332)   HTML9)    PDF (1921KB)(228)      

β?cyclodextrin polymers modified with Fe3O4 (β?CDP@Fe3O4) was synthesized in alkaline medium using β?cyclodextrin (β?CD) as monomer and epichlorohydrin as crosslinker. The adsorption performances of β?CDP@Fe3O4 on bisphenol A (BPA) under static and dynamic conditions were investigated. The results of static experiment show that the adsorption performance of 100 mg/L BPA (pH=5.6) is best at 0.10 g β?CDP@Fe3O4. At this point, the equilibrium adsorption capacity, adsorption rate and the maximum adsorption capacity are 45.600 mg/g, 91.3%, and 113.600 mg/g, respectively. The results of dynamic experiment show that the smaller the liquid hourly space velocity, the higher the adsorbent utilization rate, and with the increase of BPA concentration, the adsorption breakthrough time and saturation time are declined. At the same time, the synthesis and adsorption mechanism of β?CDP@Fe3O4 were discussed. A rapid adsorption rate for the removal of BPA onto β?CDP@Fe3O4 from water solution was achieved, and the adsorption process was mainly due to hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction. β?CDP@Fe3O4 has good regenerative performance, through 6 cycles of static adsorption?desorption, and 3 cycles of dynamic adsorption?desorption without significant changes in adsorption performance.

2022, 42 (6): 28-35. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2022.06.005
Synthesis of 2⁃Ethyl⁃2⁃Aryl⁃Dihydroquinoline Derivatives
Chaofan Zhu, Rui Wang, Yunrong Chen
Abstract214)   HTML6)    PDF (4423KB)(125)      

The synthesis method of 2?ethyl?2?aryl?dihydroquinoline derivatives was studied. The synthesis is divided into three steps: the first step, the Suzuki cross?coupling of 2?bromoquinoline and phenylboronic acid; the second step, the exchange of halide lithium; the third step, the nucleophilic addition of the organolithium reagent to the α?position of 2?phenylquinoline to obtain a double?substituted dihydroquinoline derivative. The drug with dihydroquinoline structure was synthesized by this method, and the target product was analyzed by various characterization methods, and the structure of the target product was confirmed.

2022, 42 (5): 18-25. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2022.05.003
Synthesis of Indole Analogues Based on 1,3⁃Cyclohexanedione Building Blocks
Shuang Xi, Rui Wang
Abstract365)   HTML    PDF (2136KB)(329)      

In this paper, used cheap, easy?to?obtain and multi?reactive 2?position single?side chain substituted 1,3?cyclohexanedione compound as a synthetic building block, used phenyl tetrafluoroborate diazonium salt as raw material, and adopt classic Japp?Klingemann fischer indole synthesis method, it is ring?opening fragmentation and following ring?closing to obtain more valuable multi?substituted indole structural units. Among them, 2?methyl?1,3?cyclohexidone and a diazonium salt of phenyl tetrafluoroborate were used as raw materials, under reflux conditions of p?toluenesulfonic acid as the acid reagent and toluene as the solvent, when the reaction was carried out for 15.0 h, the closed ring indole products were obtained with a yield of 49%; Meanwhile, 2?benzyl?1,3?cyclohexidone and a diazonium salt of phenyl tetrafluoroborate were used as raw materials, under the condition of heating and refluxing in a sealed tube of 30% hydrochloric acid ethanol solution, when the reaction was carried out for 0.5 h, the closed ring indole products were obtained with a yield of 98%. This methodology can be applied to the total synthesis of indole alkaloids.

2022, 42 (2): 23-29. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2022.02.004
Organic Acid Potassium Salt Catalyzed β⁃Hydroxyethylation of Thiols
Jingwei Zhao, Hong Gong, Fei Li, Rui Wang
Abstract442)   HTML    PDF (549KB)(284)      

A method for synthesizing β?hydroxyethyl sulfide by reacting a thiol with ethylene carbonate by an organic acid potassium salt (KA) was reported. The results show that under normal pressure and solvent?free conditions, KOAc, KSAc and HCOOK have higher catalytic activity, and the catalytic activity of multi?organic potassium salt is relatively lower, while CF3SO3K and CH3SO3K have no catalytic activity. With KOAc as a catalyst, the order of reaction of various thiols is thiophenol>2?mercaptoethanol>hydrazine thiol>normal aliphatic thiol. According to the theory of soft and hard acid and base, the activation mechanism of -S-H by potassium salt was discussed.

2022, 42 (1): 19-23. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2022.01.004
Structural Optimization of K344 Corrugated Steel Frame Packer
Rui Wang, Hao Sun, Bo Yu, Chunli Zhao, Yi Pan
Abstract257)   HTML    PDF (2755KB)(271)      

In the complex deep oil and gas well downhole operation, the packer needs to have good high temperature resistance, high pressure resistance and sealing performance, so as to improve the service life of the packer.Compared with the traditional K344 laminated steel belt packer, the K344 corrugated steel frame packer can effectively reduce the stress in the middle of the inner and outer rubber barrel, make the force in the middle more even, and reduce the force on the shoulder at the same time. In this paper, by using ABAQUS software, the K344 corrugated steel skeleton packer setting process in finite element simulation analysis, from two aspects of structure and material to the force of the steel strip was studied, and a simulation analysis with the optimal thickness of the strip, and the optimal material for steel belt optimized packer could better adapt to the job of deep oil and gas wells, provided a new expansion packer design thinking.

2021, 41 (4): 58-62. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2021.04.010