Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Research on the Evaluation of Supply Chain Resilience in Petrochemical Enterprises under the Dual Circulation: Based on AHP⁃BP Method
Lizhou ZHAO, Ningfeng ZHANG
Abstract1275)   HTML23)    PDF (1193KB)(214)      

With the improvement of environmental uncertainty, the demand for supply chain stability of petrochemical enterprises in China is rising day by day. The evaluation of supply chain resilience of petrochemical enterprises has become an important means to judge the risk coping ability of petrochemical enterprises. This paper constructs a supply chain resilience evaluation index system in the petrochemical enterprises. And fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and BP neural network are used to evaluate the toughness strength of petrochemical enterprise supply chain, so as to determine the toughness level of petrochemical enterprise supply chain.It is found that the strength of supply chain toughness of petrochemical enterprises is uneven, and the overall level of supply chain resilience is low. On the basis of the research results, some practical suggestions are put forward for the forging of resilient supply chain in petrochemical enterprises.

2024, 44 (1): 89-96. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1672-6952.2024.01.013