Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Recycling Process of Industrial Waste Lubricating Oil
HAN Li-jun, REN Ya-lin, WU Tong, GUO Da-guang
Abstract507)      PDF (197KB)(240)      
The refining of industrial waste lubricating oil was investigated with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and Duo-solvent (ethanolamine and NMP) as solvents, respectively. The preferred refining process is duo-solvent refining under 70 ℃ with 5% ethanolamine, under these conditions the total oil yield was 89.85%. The physical properties of recycled oil is listed as follows: viscosity(40 ℃) 30.89 mm 2•s -1, viscosity(100 ℃) 5.6 mm 2•s -1, viscosity index 120.4, refractive index 1.450, Color 2.0, freezing point -28.8 ℃, flash point 219.6 ℃ and sulfur content 0.057%.
2010, 30 (4): 11-14. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.04.004