Prospects for the Technical Strategy of Using Refining Wastes and Ozone to Treat Refining Wastewater
Chen Chunmao, Cao Yue, Hao Kanghong, Wang Qinghong, Guo Shaohui
The stringent environmental management of petrochemical industries requires high⁃efficient waste disposals and wastewater treatment. Value⁃added and all⁃component resource technologies were insufficient for petrochemical wastes. Moreover, the advanced treatment of petrochemical wastewaters was lack of highly active and low cost catalysts. Based on the compositions of petrochemical wastes and ozonation catalysts, the present overview proposed that petrochemical wastewaters were treated using petrochemical wastes derived catalysts. Petrochemical wastes and wastewaters management might be synchronously improved by employing a "wastes⁃treat⁃wastes" strategy.