Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Picking Entities in 3D Scene Based on DirectX
GUO Yan-xia, HOU Tong-pu, DU Yuan-yuan
Abstract245)      PDF (405KB)(215)      
In the three-dimensional visual scene based on DirectX, a method of entity picking using the mouse was introduced. According to the shape characteristics of entities in the scene, the different methods of bounding entity picking were taken. In the three-dimensional visual warehouse, bounding box can be used especially for the entity models with some special shape, and the interactive function between mouse and three-dimensional visual scene can be also accomplished. Finally, the result shows that the program can run with greater efficiency with this method.
2009, 29 (3): 77-80.
Disposal Method of 3D Models Used in Direct3D Scene
DU Yuan-yuan,HOU Tong-pu,GUO Yan-xia
Abstract396)      PDF (279KB)(313)      
The method of Direct3D call the model (entities), which is created by 3DSMAX in a virtual three-dimensional (3D) scene was introduced, that is, how to use 3D works by D3D. The concept of 3D entities was proposed and the loading process of model which is based on an comprehensive transformation of coordinate was studied. The transformation of vector-coordinate and method to determine the 3Dmodel's space location during process of loading 3D model were specially introduced. Finally, procedures were used to reproduce a real-life scene. The 3D model's handling is seldom introduced in Direcrt3D, so this study has some value of application.
2008, 28 (4): 86-90.