Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Grouping Mechanism Based on Social Network in P2P Setting
WANG Xue-tao, BI Yu-shen, TIAN Qian-jin
Abstract337)      PDF (244KB)(274)      
The existing security problems in P2P were analyzed. A grouping mechanisms based on social network was presented. The mechanism based on the social networks members of the management divides nodes into different groups, and the nodes in the same group have the same resources. So it can avoid unnecessary requests effectively and reduce the possibility of mutual adverse comments. The requests between different groups of nodes can be more efficient.
2010, 30 (2): 62-64. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.02.017
Study and Application of Web Service on JXTA Network
TIAN Qian-jin, BI Yu-shen, WANG Xue-tao
Abstract326)      PDF (350KB)(208)      
To achieve the interaction of the P2P networks application with the Web Service, the method of introducing JXTAWSPROXY in JXTA P2P network was presented. Calling Web Service client-side codes were generated through AXIS, and the JxtaBiDiPipe was used to achieve two-way communication. The peer transparent calling to outside Web Service was achieve. The experiment results show that the method can complete the interaction with the JXTA and effectively achieve the calling to Web Servic
2010, 30 (1): 67-70. DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2010.01.019
Load Balance and Optimization of Network Resources Based on Improved Multiple Ant Colony Algorithm
WANG Yan-ling, BI Yu-Shen
Abstract338)      PDF (277KB)(593)      
An improved multiple ant colony algorithm was presented which aims at load balance and optimization of network resources management. Through the interaction and dynamic update among the pheromone of multiple ant colony which are on behalf of the network traffic, the algorithm enabled network traffic to share a number of paths available; Through the combination of orientable choice and stochastic choice to select best path self-adaptively, the algorithm achieved the traffic load balancing; Through setting the maximum-minimum pheromone to avoid premature convergence, the algorithm increased capabilities of global optimum search; Through the improvement of the cost function and the comprehensive use of a variety of improved ways, the algorithm improved self-adaption of the algorithm. The results of simulation experiment demonstrate that compared with multiple ant colony load balance algorithm,improved multiple ant colony algorithm has superiority in reducing time of auto adaption, lowering packet loss rate and improving efficiency of load balance.
2009, 29 (2): 75-77.