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一步合成 Co@CNT/CN 纳米复合材料及其析氧性能


  1. 辽宁石油化工大学 机械工程学院
  • 作者简介:张文才(2002⁃),男,本科生,自动化专业,从事电催化方面的研究;E⁃mail:3515291624@qq.com。

One⁃Step Synthesis of Co@CNT/CN Nanocomposites and Their Oxygen Evolution Properties

  1. School of Mechanical EngineeringLiaoning Petrochemical University

摘要: 通过简单的一锅共沉淀法,以双氰胺、葡萄糖和硝酸钴为原料,最终获得了 Co@CNT/CN 纳米复合材料;利用 X 射线衍射(XRD)、电化学测试等手段,研究了碳纳米管(CNTs)Co 单质催化活性的影响。结果表明, Co@CNT/CN 纳米复合材料可以在煅烧温度为 850 ℃的条件下得到;具有碳纳米管的 Co@CNT/CN 材料具有特殊的导电性,可促进 Co 单质的分离,降低团聚现象的发生,从而获得较高的电催化活性,其电催化活性明显高于其他样品。

Abstract: Co@CNT/CN nanocomposites were obtained by a simple one ⁃ pot co ⁃ precipitation method using dicyandiamide, glucose and cobalt nitrate as raw materials. The effect of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the catalytic activity of Co was investigated by X⁃ray diffraction (XRD) and electrochemical tests. The results show that Co@CNT/CN can be obtained only at the calcination temperature of 850 ℃. And after electrochemical performance test, it was found that the electrocatalytic activity of Co@CNT/CN material with carbon nanotubes was significantly higher than that of other samples, mainly because carbon nanotubes have special conductivity, but also can promote the separation of Co elemental, reduce the agglomeration phenomenon, so as to obtain higher electrocatalytic activity.


张文才, 陈雅娟, 石小红, 牟水江, 唐 静, 李维军. 一步合成 Co@CNT/CN 纳米复合材料及其析氧性能[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报.

ZHANG Wencai, CHEN Yajuan, SHI Xiaohong, MOU Shuijiang, TANG Jing, LI Weijun. One⁃Step Synthesis of Co@CNT/CN Nanocomposites and Their Oxygen Evolution Properties[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University.


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