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Preparation and Performances of TiO 2 /Potassium Titanate Photocatalyst
LI Song-tian,YAN Yong-sheng,WU Chun-du*,HUO Peng-wei,CHU Jin-yu
Abstract198)      PDF (2342KB)(297)      
In order to investigate the decomposition function of photocatalytic technique to the organic contamination, a new carrier of catalyst was chosen. Sol-gel method was used to preparate TiO 2/potassium titanate photocatalyst. X-ray diffraction and SEM were used to token the product.    EDS shows that the main peak included Ti, O, K in potassium titanate whisker. The main peak of K disappeared and the peaks of Ti, O stayed after whisker was covered. It indicates that the surface of sample is covered by TiO2. XRD shows that diffraction peak appeared, which is corresponded to the peak of anatase TiO2. In the reaction device of photochemistry, using middle-pressure mercury lamp as illumination, rhodamine B as simulant pollutant, the photocatalytic performance of TiO2/potassium titanate was studied. The decoloration rate of TiO2/potassium titanate which was used to deal with rhodamine B in the experiment was influenced by the pH value, light intensity, reaction temperature, aeration amount, the dosage of catalyst etc. When the concentration of rhodamine B was 8 mg/L, the dosage of TiO2/potassium titanate was 0.01 g/L. The decoloration rate of TiO2/potassium titanate dealt with the rhodamine B reach over 95% in 160 minutes, and compared with TiO2, the decoloration rate of rhodamine B was improved 0.50~1.91 multiple.
2007, 20 (4): 28-32.